1. Monthly meetings (organizational details)

    The 231th monthly meeting(Lecture held in February 2017)
    Subject:The trend of Minamata treaty and action of the Nomura Kossan company
    Presented by:Nomura Kossan K.K. President-Director Yasushi Fujiwara

    SUubject:A rare metal trend recycling business after the resources boom
    Presented by:ADVANCED MATERIAL JAPAN CORPORATION President-Director Shigeo Nakamura

    The 230th monthly meeting(Site tour held in October 2016)
    Site visited:Nomura Kohsan Co.,Ltd. ITOMUKA &KITAMI INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY
    Subject: Collection processing process of mercury morethan mercury containing waste &Facilities of a national university located in the Japan northenmost tip

    The 229th monthly meeting(Site tour held in September 2016)
    Site visited:ISHIZAKA SANGYO K.K.
    Subject: Middle disposal of industrial waste and exploitation of resources and visit of the Mt.village

    The 228th monthly meeting(Lecture held in July 2016)
    Subject:Iron and steel production and its role in Japan
    Presented by: Kanazawa University Graduate School of Natural Science & Technology Tooru Matsumiya Visiting Professor

    Subject:For Organic matter by heating the titanium oxide catalytic decomposition technology
    Presented by:RAPAS Co.,Ltd Masahiro Nishimura Department Maneger

    The 227th monthly meeting(Lecture held in February 2016)
    Subject:New platinum catalyst that Hokkaido University development
    Presented by: HOKKAIDO UNIVERSITY Institute for Catalysis Atsushi Fukuoka Professor

    Subject:For material production using it and photosynthesis performed by the plant
    Presented by:The UNIVERSITY of TOKYO Graduate Shool of Arts and Sciences Wada,Hajime Professor

    The 226th monthly meeting(Site tour held in October 2015)
    Site visited:TANAKA KIKINZOKU KOGYO K.K.Tomioka Plant&Tomioka Silk Mill
    Subject: Production of the precious metal electronic components prpcess & World heritage “Tomioka Silk Mill”

    The 225th monthly meeting(Lecture held in June 2015)
    Subject:Yesterday and today of hydroprocessing catalyst and the FCC catalyst
    Presented by:JGC Catalysts and Chemicals Ltd. Director JUN FUCHIGAMI

    SUubject:The prospects of development and collection,recycling of the catalyst for the fuel cell
    Presented by:TANAKKA KIKINZOKU KOGYO K.K. Senior Research Ebgineer Koichi Matsutani

    The 224th monthly meeting(Lecture held in February 2015)
    Subject:Silica coating technology of inorganic pigments
    Presented by: Nippon Inorganic Color & Chemical Co.,Ltd. Exective director Sakae Yoshida

    Subject:How to make industrial catalyst`What is hidden is what ingenuity to catalyst`

    The 223th monthly meeting(Site tour held in October 2014)
    Subject: Visit of copper smelting process and the electrolysis process

    The 222th monthly meeting(Site tour held in September 2014)
    Site visited:The metropolitan area outerfence flood control channel
    Subject: The culvent which protects low countr of Saitama and Edogawa-ku

    The 221th monthly meeting(Lecture held in July 2014)
    Subject:Outline of corporate profile of N-Power Co.,Ltd.
    Presented by: N-Power Co.,Ltd. President Takaharu Nakayama

    Subject:Situation of worldwide movement and Japan over renewable energy
    Presented by:Japan Renewable-energy Research Institute Representative Kazuya Kitamura

    The 220th monthly meeting(Lecture held in February 2014)
    Subject:Change of the safty management such as chemical substances
    Presented by:Environmental technology & healthy secrity research institude Derector shinjiro Endo

    Subject:New development of the reforming technology for fuel sells

    The 219th monthly meeting(Site tour held in October 2013)
    Site visited:Fujikura LTD.Sakura Works
    Subject: Processes for the Production of Optical Fiber and Optical Fiber Cables

    The 218th monthly meeting(Site tour held in September 2013)
    Site visited: AGC Chemicals ASAHI GLASS CO.,LTD Chiba factory
    Subject: electrolysis of Nacl,experience of safety training

    The 217th monthly meeting(Lecture held in July 2013)
    Subject:Application for chemical synthesis used micro reactor
    Presented by:SIGMA ALDRICH Japan G.K.Analytical ,Chemistry & Materials Science Marketing Maneger Noriko Tanaka

    The 216th monthly meeting(Lecture held in February 2013)
    Subject:The development of new titanium based polycondensation catalyst for polyester manufacturing

    Subject:Introduction of the evolved gas analyzer
    Presented by:Rigaku Corporation Thermal Analysis Division Analysis Center Senior Staff Dr.Taisei Hirayama

    The 215th monthly meeting(Site tour held in October 2012)
    Site visited:ECO RECYCLE Co.,LTD.
    Subject: Process of household appliance(Refrigerator,Washing machine and TV etc.)recycling

    The 214th monthly meeting(Site tour held in September 2012)
    Site visited: KAO Co.,LTD. sumida factory
    Subject: automatic product line of toilet articles

    The 213th monthly meeting( Lecture held in July 2012)
    Subject :Organic EL element and Organic material`Process development of phoshorus light materials`
    Presented by :Advanced Industrial Science and Technology(AIST) Dr.Hideo Konno

    Subject :Biomass refinery of base material used Levurinic acid
    Presented by :Advanced Industrial Science and Technology Dr.Ken-ichi Tominaga(AIST)

    The 212th monthly meeting( Lecture held in February 2012)
    Subject :The function and application of slide ring materials
    Presented by :Advanced Softmaterials Inc. Division Maneger Yumiki Noda

    Subject :The function and application of carbon nano tube
    Presented by :UBE INDUSTRIS,LTD.Manager Mitsuhiro Tanaka

    The special monthly meeting(Site tour held in January 2012)
    Site visited: ANA the body of an airplane maintenance center
    Subject: Clossal aviation -shed & B787

    The 211th monthly meeting(Site tour held in November 2011)
    Site visited: JX metal mikkaichi recycle Co.,LTD.
    Subject: recycling rare metal of enbironmental materials

    The 210th monthly meeting(Site tour held in October 2011)
    Site visited: Kawasaki eco kurashi miraikan & UKISHIMA Solar electric power-station
    Subject: Inspection of the Mega Solar(KAWASAKI UKISHIMA)

    The 209th monthly meeting( Lecture held in July 2011)
    Subject :Symbol of environment and reconstruction “Fukushima”towards
    Presented by :SHIMA COMPANY LTD. Director Vice President KAZUKI SHIMA

    The 208th monthly meeting( Lecture held in February 2011)
    Subject :Clean coal technology(Harmony with the global environment)
    Presented by :New Energy and Industrial Development Organization Director SHUNICHI YANAI

    The 207th monthly meeting(Site tour held in September 2010)
    Site visited: JAXA Tsukuba Aerospace Center
    Subject: The development of the launcher of our country,The study life of the space laboratry,Space activities outboad

    The 206th monthly meeting(Site tour held in July 2010)
    Site visited: JX Nippon Mining & Metals Corporation HMC factory & NIKKO KANKYO Co.,LTD.& NIKKO Memorial Museum
    Subject: The rare metal which utilized dry process and wet process and the collection recycling process of noble metal

    The 205th monthly meeting( Lecture held in February 2010)
    Subject :Japan and world resources strategy (for environment metal new age)
    Presented by :ADVANCED MATERIAL JAPAN CORPORATION President-Director Shigeo Nakamura

    The 204th monthly meeting(Site tour held in November 2009)
    Site visited: SAKAI CHEMICAL INDUSTRY Co.,LTD.Onahma Division & Watanabe disposal ground
    Subject: Process of manufacture of Titanium Dioxide EBarium Carbonate & Own campany disposal ground

    The 203th monthly meeting (Site tour held in September 2009)
    Site visited:Higashinihon Ironworks(Chiba area) of JFE steel Co.,Ltd
    Subject:The sixth blast furnase,The third hot rolling factory,etc.

    The 202th monthly meeting( Lecture held in June 2009)
    Subject :Functional Ceramics Produced From Organosillicon Polymers Excellent Thermostructual Ceramics and Photocatalytic Fibers
    Presented by :UBE INDUSTRIS,LTD.Manager Hiroshi Yanagi

    The 201th monthly meeting( Lecture held in January 2009)
    Subject :Synthesis of photocatalytic materials using a solvothermal method
    Presented by :KINKI UNIVERSITY Hiroshi KOMINAMI Associate PROFESSOR

    The 200th monthly meeting(Site tour held in December 2008)
    Site visited: Tokyo Electric Power Company,Inc. Kazunogawa Hydroelectric Power Station & TEPCO Kazunogawa PR building
    Subject:Power Station of 500m under the ground & Kazunogawa Dam

    The 199th monthly meeting(Site tour and Lecture held in August 2008)
    Site visited: TOKYO GAS CO.,LTD.Negishi LNG Teminal &Nippon Super Low Temperature Co.,Ltd.
    Subject :A city gas production plant,Coldness and zeal generation,LNG tank,A low tempreture warehouse
    Subject :About world energy and the use of the domestic environmental policy/natural gas

    The 198th monthly meeting( Lecture held in July 2008)
    Subject :New Development in Application of Anionic Clay(For Purification of Water and Production of Eco-nanohybrid Materials)
    Presented by :IWATE UNIVERSITY Graduate School of Engineering Eiichi NARITA PROFESSOR

    The 197th monthly meeting (Site tour held in March 2008)
    Site visited:Chiba Refinery of Idemitsu Kosan Co.,Ltd
    Subject:Each oil manufacture plant,Oil transport pipeline,Oil tank,etc.

    The 196th monthly meeting( Lecture held in December 2007)
    Subject :Outline of Automotive Catalyst
    Presented by :Mr.CHO JIN,Doctor of Science,Johnson Matthey Japan Inc.Senior Manager ,Automotive Catalyst R&D Div.

    The 195th monthly meeting(Site tour held in September 2007)
    Site visited: Miyama Inc. head office & Nakano Factory
    Subject:A combustion processing process of industrial waste(Preprocessing,Tempreture managment of furnace)

    The 194th monthly meeting( Lecture held in June 2007)
    Subject :The present conditions and the prospects of bioethanol production technology development
    Presented by :JAPAN ALCOHOL ASSOCIATION Senior Manager,R&D Div.TOMIAKI YAMADA ,Ph.D.

    The 193th monthly meeting( Lecture held in March 2007)
    Subject :Electrical wire industry and Reconstruction of small and medium-sized enterprises(Reconstruction project of MUSASHI gold wire industries)
    Presented by :FUJIKURA ACADEMY lecturer Mr.TAKESHI SAITO

    The 192th monthly meeting( Lecture held in January 2007)
    Subject :Advanced technology of coloring matter increase sensitivity solar battery
    Presented by :TOIN UNIVERSITY OF YOKOHAMA Graduate School of Engineering Tsutomu MIYASAKA PROFESSOR

    The 191th monthly meeting(Site tour and Lecture held in December 2006)
    Site visited: The Insutitute of Physical and Chemical Research(RIKEN)
    Subject 1:Research and Development of new synthetic rubber
    Presented by :RIKEN,Elastomer precision polymerization research team

    Subject 2:Synthesis of nano carbon materials for semiconductor memory device
    Presented by :RIKEN,Discovery research institute advanced device laboratory

    The 190th monthly meeting(Site tour held in September 2006)
    Site visited: Tokyo Metropolitan Environmental Public Service Corporation
    Subject:Garbage management system, Central breakwater in Tokyo bay

    The 189th monthly meeting(Site tour held in July 2006)
    Site visited: MITSUBISHI GAS CHEMICAL CONPANY ,INC. Natural Gas Chemicals Company Niigata Factory
    Subject:High pressure chemical synthesis in methane of natural gas, co generation system(self supply of energy),Biochemicals,Ubidecarenone(Coenzaime Q10)

    The 188th monthly meeting (Lecture held in February 2006)
    Topic:The present situation of semiconductor business in Japan
    Presented by :Matsuda Sangyo Co.,Ltd

    The 187th monthly meeting (Lecture held in December 2005)
    Topic:The present and future tecnology of fuel cells
    Presented by :Johnson Matthey Fuel Cells Japan,Ltd

    The 185th monthly meeting (Site tour held in August 2005)
    Site visited:Kawasaki Factory of YAKIN Kawasaki Co.,Ltd & NAS Engineering Co.,Ltd
    Subject:Recovery and reuse of raw materials (Ni) in stainless steel process

    The 184th monthly meeting (Lecture held in June 2005)
    Topic:High efficient system of removeval for nitrate nitrogen in waste water
    Presented by :Environmental System Div.
    of Sumitomo Heavy Industries Ltd

    The 183rd monthly meeting (Lecture held in March 2005)
    Topic: Issuers of procurement of row materials in China
    Presented by: The Chemical Division of Sumitomo Co.,Ltd.

    The 182nd monthly meeting (Lecture held in December 2004)
    Topic: Update of management of DXNs, regulation of wastewater and Waste Disposal Law
    Presented by: The Chemical Division of Sumitomo Co.,

    The 181st monthly meeting (Tour planned in November 2004 postponed)

    The 180th monthly meeting (Tour held in August 2004)
    Site visited: Business & Technology Development Center of Kurita Water Industries Ltd.
    Subject: Supercritical water oxidation systems

    The 179th monthly meeting (Lecture held in June 2004)
    Topic: Current Situation and Future Prospects in the Recycling of Glass Bottles
    Presented by: Glass Recycling Promotion Council

    The 178th monthly meeting (Lecture held in February 2004)
    Theme: Trends in Wastewater Regulation and Recent Developments in Wastewater Treatment Technology
    Presented by: The Plant Group of Kurita Water Industries Ltd.

    The 177th monthly meeting (Lecture held in December 2003)
    Topic: Current Situation and Future Prospects in Exchange and Precious Metal Markets
    Presented by: The Precious Metal Division of Mitsui Co., Ltd.

    The 176th monthly meeting (Overnight workshop held in November 2003)
    Site Visited: Chiba Plant of Fuji Electric Holdings Co., Ltd.
    Subject: The development facilities of fuel batteries

  2. Pollution Prevention Workshop
    Pollution Prevention Workshops have been held since FY 2003 as follows:

    The 9th Workshop (in December 2007)
    Topic:Fluorine ion sampling by titanium compouds
    “Presented by :Mr.Masatoshi ENDO associate PROFESSOR YAMAGATA UNIVERSITY Graduate School of Science & Technology “

    The 8th Workshop (in June 2007)
    Topic:VOC Processing facilities
    “Presented by : Mr.Takio Adachi TECHNICAL MANAGMENT BUREAU of Tsukishima Kankyo Engineering Ltd. “

    The 7th Workshop (in January 2007)
    Topic:Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labelling of Chemicals(GHS)
    “Presented by : Mr.TAKAHIDE KUROTAKI Production Div.of Matsuda Sangyo Co.,Ltd “

    The 6th Workshop (in December 2005)
    Topic:Reductive treatment of nitorogen in dilute waste water
    “Presented by : Environment Engineering Co.,Ltd and Nippon Steel Chemical Co.,Ltd”

    The 5th Workshop (In December 2004)
    Topic: introduction of facility for the regulation of the wastewater treatment (ammonia, fluorine)
    Presented by: The Energy & Environment Business Division of Sumitomo Metal Mining Co., Ltd.

    The 4th Workshop (In June 2004)
    Topic: Methanol Selective Catalytic Reduction and Denitration System
    Presented by: Sumiko Eco-Engineering Co., Ltd.

    The 3rd Workshop (In March 2004)
    Topic: (1) Recycling Processes for Phosphoric Acid, Sulfuric Acid, and Hydrofluoric Acid
    (2) Reduction of the Level of Hydrofluoric Acid in Wastewater to Levels below Those Found Naturally in the Environment
    Presented by: The Planning and Technology Division of Shimonoseki Mitsui Chemical, Inc.

    The 2nd Workshop (In October 2003)
    Topic: Electrolyte Nitrogen Removal Equipment
    Presented by: The Clean Wastewater Division of Sanyo Electric Co., Ltd.

    The 1st Workshop (In June 2003)
    Topic: Highly Concentrated Nitrate Nitrogen Processing Technology and Facilities
    Presented by: The Energy & Environment Business Division of Sumitomo Metal Mining Co., Ltd.